人文阅读 Liberal Reading




Guide for the Course of

Liberal Reading

I. General Description

Comprehensive English is a core course for English majors with the aim of developing their understanding of the humanities, awareness of cultural differences, capacity of critical thinking and command of language skills.


II. Materials Used

1. Xu, Libing, and Gao Jian. Improvement Through English.

2. Supplementary materials


III. Assignments and Exams


1. Classroom duty report

2. Journal

3. Recitation

4. Extracurricular reading

5. Spelling quiz

6. Workshops


1. Mid-term

2. Final


IV. Grading and Evaluation

A composite system to be adopted comprising:

Assignments + Classroom participation + Mid-term exam = 60%

Final exam = 40%

Instructor: Lucia Lu Sun

Office Hour: 10:00—11:30 Monday

Office Number: 5404

Telephone: 18801915129

E-mail: slu118@163.com

LE Public E-mail box: firstyearenglish@126.com  (Password: 67701345)